Many customers are frustrated when they buy hair accessories that don't meet their expectations. Women who are passionate about our French-sourced products want to buy with confidence, while having an informed understanding of sizing considerations. At MC Davidian, despite the absence of a universal standard for sizing, we've decided to use the classic system of representing accessory sizes by model acronyms. We've invested to offer you a variety of dimensional options. Our aim: to bring you as close as possible to your expectations, in terms of both dimensions and quality.

Size acronym table

Thanks to this size acronym chart, exploring our MC Davidian hair ornaments and buying without hesitation becomes incredibly simple.

Type of accessory

Size acronym

Types of hair

The tige boule 4-6 cm


Fine hair

Ponytails 5-6 cm

Ponytails 7 cm

Ponytails 8 cm

Ponytails 8-9 cm

Ponytails 10 cm et plus






Fine hair

Normal hair

Thick hair

Any hair type

Headbands 5-40 mm


Any hair type



Any hair type

Elastics and scrunchies 5 cm

lastics and scrunchies 10-12cm



Normal to thick hair

Very thick hair

Combs 4-7 cm

Combs  5-10 cm



Normal hair

Very voluminous hair

List of acronyms and their meanings :

PM: Small model

MM: Medium model

GM: Large model

TGM: Very large model

TTGM : Very very large model

Choose the hair accessories that suit you: our fashion tips for every style

Faced with the multitude of accessory types, styles and sizes, it can seem difficult to 

Thick hair

Choose sturdy claws capable of supporting the weight of your hair. Larger claws with generous space inside are ideal. Wide-spaced combs are ideal for effortlessly chic buns.

Fine hair

Avoid heavy accessories. Opt for smaller, lighter clips. Choose narrower hair clips with overlapping teeth to catch fine hairs. Combs with many teeth close together are ideal for optimum grip.

Medium-weight hair (normal)

Medium-sized claws and combs are safe choices. Arched barrettes hold hair securely in place, while flat barrettes are ideal for smaller sections.

Short hair

Narrow and wide headbands and scarves are excellent choices. Use small barrettes and tiny clips to add a touch of sparkle.

Stiff or slippery hair

Opt for claws with overlapping teeth for better grip. Use combs with wavy or closely-spaced teeth for optimum grip.

Wavy, curly and textured hair

Look for accessories similar to those recommended for thick hair. Chignon pins are excellent for holding your hairstyle in place. Pelicans clips with a curve are perfect for a relaxed look.

Explore the acronym chart to guide your search, while keeping in mind our tips for choosing the fashion accessories that will make you look your best for any occasion.

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